AdımPara (Android) by ad-mpara software


Looking for the English software to “AdımPara (Android)” by ad-mpara from the album Fitness (Downloads 14)? More than 6 people have already found information of the software “AdımPara (Android)”.

AdımPara for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes

Quote from the software “AdımPara (Android)” by ad-mpara

AdımPara is an app for Android devices that helps you lead a healthier life and earn money at the same time. If you're thinking about going for a walk and keeping track of your steps, try AdımPara for some extra motivation.

If you want to download “AdımPara (Android)” the software will be below

AdımPara (Android) software [ad-mpara]

ad-mpara: AdımPara (Android) software

More information “AdımPara (Android)”

    Package Name com.omicron.adimpara License Free Op. System Android Category Fitness Language English 47 more Author AdımPara Downloads 14 Date Aug 9, 2023 Content Rating +3 Why is this app published on Habererciyes? (More information)
  • Release Date: Aug 9, 2023

AdımPara (Android) software credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: AdımPara (Android) software

AdımPara (Android) of the ad-mpara Released in Downloads 14

[Software “AdımPara (Android)” with perfect software]

AdımPara is an app for Android devices that helps you lead a healthier life and earn money at the same time. If you're thinking about going for a walk and keeping track of your steps, try AdımPara for some extra motivation.

Earn money by walking

Using AdımPara is simple: once you give the necessary permissions, the app will start counting your steps and reward you for them. You will have to spend the money, however, in the app's own store. You only have to use the available bonuses to earn even more, and the money you earn will increase. To receive the rewards, follow the instructions from the app. It will require you to create an account and redeem your steps at the end of the day.

Lead a healthy life and exercise in a group

The main objective of AdımPara is to earn money and motivate you to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it allows you to create activities with other users. Convince your friends and family to use AdımPara and go out for a walk together. In this way, a good company will also be an incentive.

Take care of your health and exercise while earning money. Download the AdımPara APK here.

Download AdımPara for Android - Download the APK from Habererciyes